Information > WOX in general

www Supports 80 different domains newly

We have dealt with new 80 kinds of domains including .photo and .camera.

"Academy" "agency" "bargains" "bike" "blue" "boutique" "builders" "cab" "camera" "camp" "careers" "center" "ceo" "cheap" "clothing" "club" "codes "coffee" "company" "computer" "construction" "contractors" "cool" "diamonds" "directory" "domains" "education" "email" "enterprises" "equipment" "estate" "expert" "farm" "Florist" "gallery" "gift" "glass" "graphics" "guitars" "guru" "holdings" " holiday" "house" "institute" "international" "kim" "kitchen" "land" "lighting" "limo" "Link" "management" "marketing" "photo" "photography" "photos" "pics" "pink" "plumbing" "recipes" "red" "repair" "sexy" "shoes" "singles" "solar" "solutions "support" "systems" "tattoo" "technology" "tips" "today" "training" "ventures" "viajes" "voyage" "watch" "works" "zone"

Domain settings can be used by premium users.

www It corresponds to four kinds of domains.

We corresponded to four kinds of domains ".everyone" ".tokyo" ".nagoya" ".moe" newly.
Domain can be used by premium users, so please use it for full-scale site operation.

www Double uploader file limit

Uploader 1 file limit doubled from 1MB to "2MB" with 2GB plan, from 2MB to 4MB with 16GB plan, from 3MB to "6MB" with 32GB plan.
Also, docx · xlsx · pptx · aac · m4a has been added to uploadable file format.

www Notice accompanying the consumption tax hike (Price change is not done)

Thank you for always using WOX.
From April 1, 2014 (Tuesday) the consumption tax rate will be raised to 8%
In our service we will not raise prices etc. regarding the price of service.

I hope to continue using it more comfortably and enjoying
We will strive to improve the service so "WOX" thank you very much.

www Server failure notification (restored)

Thank you very much for using WOX better than usual.
"Today" From 4:00 to 12:00 "in" March 9, 2014 ", the traffic that seems to be DoS from the outside causes a load on the server, causing a failure that makes it difficult to connect to the service did.
In a hurry, measures were taken on the server and measures were taken to accommodate the load.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to customers during use.

www Server failure notification (restored)

Thank you very much for using WOX better than usual.
"Today" on 05.30 to 09:40 "in" February 25, 2014 "There was a failure in part of the server and it was in a state that it was hard to connect to all services of WOX.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to customers during use.
I would like to aim for improvement so that such things will not occur in the future.
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