Information > Novel
Increased number of characters allowed for posting, etc.
Number of words that can be submitted: up to 3,000 words per article
Image pasting: Up to 10 images per article
▼After the increase (all increased by 20 times!)
Characters available for submission: Up to 600,000 characters per article
Image pasting: up to 200 per article
Bug fixes
This problem has been fixed today.
The number of characters that can be posted has been expanded
Deprecation of Google + button
In addition, Google + button will be hidden automatically by this abolition, so there is no need to set anything on the customer side.
※ The setting of the social button can be done from the "social button" by moving from the "Detailed settings> plug-in layout and each setting" to the "article" setting.
Bug fixes
I fixed this problem today.