WOX pro mode can do
everything freely

Things to do in WOX Pro Mode

  1. Edit HTML

    You can customize all contents including "blog / bulletin board / mail form" at the HTML level. You can also create common HTML blocks, and you can call common parts such as headers and footers within each content.
  2. Edit CSS

    Up to nine CSS settings can be created. You can use the created CSS by calling it in HTML.
  3. Editing JS

    JavaScript can also be freely described in HTML. Dynamic actions etc are also as you wish.
  4. Edit error page and authentication page

    It is possible to edit everything such as error page like 404 Not Found, screen for password authentication.
  5. Design management

    The design can be saved in "Save and change My template" screen. When the design you like is completed, you can instantly switch between multiple designs by keeping it. Also save the design process frequently, you can use it for backup purposes.

All traditional functions are available

Footer menu

Pro mode
To learn more about Pro mode, please see "Pro Mode Manual".
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