Information > Review

review Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where evaluation was not displayed correctly when rating (★★★★★) was placed in the article footer.

review We increased the upper limit of the set value

We have increased the upper limit of the following input values of "Customize> Header".

Increase the maximum number of characters of "Page Title> Main Title" from 30 to 90.
Increase the maximum number of characters of "Page Title> Subtitle" from 30 to 90.
Increase the numerical upper limit of "upper gap" and "lower gap" of "Page Title> Layout" from 100 to 300.
Increase the numerical upper limit of "upper gap" and "lower gap" of "Menu> Layout" from 100 to 300.

review New plug-in addition etc.

A new "yearly archive" appeared.
An archive by year is a plug-in that organizes articles by year and displays it as a list on the side etc.
There is a monthly archive as a similar plug-in, but when it is hard to see easily because it is displayed a lot, it will be refreshed when put together by yearly archives.
Please make full use of it.

In addition, we increased the number of items displayed from monthly archives to 20 from 99.

Reference page:
▼ Usage Manual> Common Services> Plugins> Archive by Year
▼ About plug-ins

review Preview more accurately

Although a preview is displayed at the time of writing a letter in a new post, it has been improved so that it can be displayed more accurately.
When "background color" of "customize> center> article style> background" is set, this background color is now applied to the preview background color.

review Release new template

I released three new templates.

Wavering lights
Template that makes you feel like you are floating around the ocean floating.
It is a refreshing color scheme based on white and aqua blue.

Sound Of Silence
A simple and intimate template that imagined a rock garden.
It seems that cool water sounds can be heard even now.

Template where forest green is healed beautifully in the eyes.
Icons and page navigation etc. have also made fine details.

Please use it by all means.

review Social button

You can now easily install social buttons at the top or bottom of the article. Supported buttons are "Twitter tweet button, Facebook nice button, Hatena bookmark button, Google + button, mixi check button".

You can go from "Advanced settings> Plug-in layout and settings" to "Article" setting and use "Social button" for setting. Just by checking the social button of your choice and saving the setting, the social buttons will be laid out beautifully in the article and displayed.

In addition, if you want to set up other social buttons, how you want to display it, if you like to control your own layout, you can write the social button code in "free area". In addition, you can use it when you want to display fixed elements every time for each article.
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