Information > Pages

pages Release new template

I released three new templates.

Wavering lights
Template that makes you feel like you are floating around the ocean floating.
It is a refreshing color scheme based on white and aqua blue.

Sound Of Silence
A simple and intimate template that imagined a rock garden.
It seems that cool water sounds can be heard even now.

Template where forest green is healed beautifully in the eyes.
Icons and page navigation etc. have also made fine details.

Please use it by all means.

pages We released a new service "Pages".

We released "Pages" which makes it easy to create a single page.

You can use it to create a little announcement page etc which is not enough to create a blog.
In addition, you can create full-fledged pages using HTML and CSS.

Application for pages can be done from "MyWOX".
In addition, if you are using the WOX homepage, you can add the page contents from "Add menu" in "Menu> Edit" of "Customize> Header".

For details about other pages, please see the man page.
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