Information > Bookmark

bookmark Increase file size limit

Although you can upload background images etc. on customization and each setting screen, we have increased all upload upper size of such file.
Mainly increased points are as follows.
  1. Background image etc.
    320KB → UP to 520KB
  2. Page title image etc.
    160KB → UP to 240KB
  3. Menu background image etc.
    40KB → UP to 60KB
  4. Fabicon
    60KB → UP to 90KB

bookmark Release new template

I released three new templates.

Spring Thaw
A beautiful template that makes you feel the arrival of spring.
It is a gentle color scheme of pastel colors.

A Line
Simple design consisting of elements of lines.
One point rainbow color icon stands out.

It features a color scheme of black and vivid Blue.
It is a simple and cool template.

Please use it by all means.

bookmark Enhancement of WOX Friend function

When registering a new bookmark, it is now notified by email to the WOX Friend.

bookmark Release new template

I released two new templates.

One Snowy Night
Seasonal templates that arrange the falling snowy crystals and wintery scenery.
I feel warm with a shade of warm. * Overall Background Color (Outside) Fixed Recommendation

standard navy
A beautiful template that was simple but computed to details.
Because it is a standard design, it fits snugly to any content.

Please use it by all means.

bookmark Double the file size limit

Although you can upload background images etc on customization and each setting screen, we have doubled all upload size of such file.
  1. Background image etc.
    160KB → UP to 320KB
  2. Menu background image etc.
    20KB → UP to 40KB
  3. Page title image etc.
    80KB → UP to 160KB
  4. Separated images etc.
    40KB → UP to 80KB
  5. Other images
    10KB → UP to 20KB

bookmark Release new template

I released two new templates.

Mat grayish
Template of matte texture like industrial products.
For those seeking restlessness and coolness.

A refreshing template with lime green and gray color scheme.
Icons and page navigation, detail making details are also made.

Please use it by all means.
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