Information > BBS

bbs Improvements to the management screen

The color of the "Unapproved" text displayed on the "Delete and Edit" page of the administration screen has been changed from "gray" to "red.This has improved the visibility of unauthorized articles on the screen.

bbs Improved approval function in pro mode

When "Display articles after approval by administrator" was set in Pro mode, information other than articles was displayed even before approval, but today we have improved the specification to hide all information. In addition, the title and name of new posts and comments of plug-ins that have not been approved were also displayed in the same way, but we have improved the specification so that they are hidden.

bbs Increased number of characters available for posting

The maximum number of characters that can be submitted for both parent and child articles was 10,000, but this has been increased six-fold to 60,000.

bbs The number of characters that can be posted has been expanded

The number of characters that can be posted has been expanded from 3000 to 10000 characters for both parent and child articles.

bbs Bug fixes

A bug was found that the setting of the number of child article display cases is not reflected correctly.
We solved this problem today.

bbs Edit Category

Only under the environment of Firefox and Opera, the category name of "Advanced settings> Category> Add and edit category" can not be edited (input fold is not activated).
Today I solved this problem.
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