FAQ > Blog > Article management

Where can I edit and delete posted articles?

To edit or delete articles, you can do it from "article management> edit and delete" on the blog management screen.

I want to display a part of the article in the "Read more" part.

You can edit it by "Continuation of article" on the "article management> new posting" screen on the blog management screen. Since there is a space for entering "Continuation of article" to be opened and closed by clicking under the article body area, please write in the article there and press the "Post article" button and display it in the "Read more" part I can.

For details, please refer to Usage Manual> Blog> Article Management> Continuation of Articles.

Can I change the display order of articles?

Since the display of articles will be in the order of posting, you can not change after posting.

Please tell me how to make categories and how to edit them.

For details on creating and editing categories, please see here for details.
"Usage Manual> Common Services> Plugins> Category"

Can I limit passwords on articles?

You can set it as a password restricted article in "Submission Options" on article submission page.

For details, please refer to the "Posting Option> Public Level" part of the Usage Manual> Blog> Article Management page Please see. For information on setting passwords, please refer to Usage Manual> Blog> Advanced Settings> Public Level Settings page .

I want to change the article posting date and time.

Changing the posting date and time can be changed by "posting option> posting date" under "article body".

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